Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Newark & Southwell
Methodist Circuit
making God's love and grace known
making God's love and grace known
making God's love and grace known
making God's love and grace known
making God's love and grace known

From busy A roads to country lanes, from rolling green countryside to the banks of the River Trent, the Newark and Southwell Circuit is full of contrasts. The market town of Newark and the minster town of Southwell provide two main centres but the village communities are just as important and together provide the mix of rural, semi-rural, large village and town churches.

Our circuit is made up of 9 churches and two Anglican/Methodist Primary Schools. Our circuit family is diverse with members representing all age groups, offering differing theological understandings and with varied life experiences. However different we may be, we worship God, revealed in Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and we seek to be relevant to our community contexts; making God's love and grace known.

The Circuit is served by a team of ordained ministers, Local Lay Pastors, lay Circuit stewards and a circuit administrator (see the Who's who for more details) and Sunday worship is resourced by local preachers, worship leaders and those appointed to the circuit. However, our activities are not just limited to a Sunday, please look at the church pages to see what is happening near you throughout the week.

We endeavour to live out our calling. The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. It does this through:

The church exists to increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love.

Learning and Caring
The church exists to help people grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care.

The church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice.

The church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ.

During the pandemic we produced a lot of online worship, this can be found on our YouTube channel.

Keep in touch with us via our Facebook page – like and follow the page to keep fully up to date!


News & Views

What's going on
around the Circuit

Womens Fellowship

Our Calendar

Church & Circuit
events & occasions

Barnbygate service

Sunday Worship

Church services:
what, where & when?

News 3

Give us a call

How to get in touch
with the Circuit

© 2025 – Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit